Did you know that gambling can feel like playing a video game? You can explore this idea by playing Check Your (Re)flex, a game about gambling risks.
Gambling and video games can affect your body and mind in similar ways. Your body can experience a heightened state of excitement, which can affect how your brain makes decisions. If you try the Check Your (Re)flex video game by tapping on it below, you can learn more about how this connection works. For example, you may feel like you want to play it again and again to try to get a different score. You may feel similarly if you gamble, where you keep taking risks to get an outcome you want.
When can gambling become an issue?
While gambling can be entertaining in moderation, it can become an issue when it starts to interfere with someone’s life. For example, a person may experience financial challenges, relationship issues or have difficulty concentrating at school, etc. when gambling starts to become a concern.
How can I learn about gambling risks?
If you choose to gamble, it may be helpful to learn more about gambling risks in order to practise safer gambling and keep it as entertainment. The intention of the Check Your (Re)flex video game is to help you understand and recognize how gambling may make you feel (not to encourage or discourage gambling behaviours). You can try the game and get personalized tips on the end screen of Check Your (Re)flex. You can also explore a resource about coping with a gambling issue from our friends at Kids Help Phone.
To bring you Check Your (Re)flex, Good2Talk partnered with the Responsible Gambling Council (you can click on the link to learn more about them on their website). They’re a Canadian organization dedicated to reducing the risks / potential harms of gambling.
On this page
Try Check Your (Re)flex
Where can I get more support / information?
If you have questions about gambling risks or how gambling is affecting / could affect your mind, body or life in general, you can connect with one of our professional counsellors or trained, volunteer crisis responders 24/7. We’re Good2Talk whenever you need us!
Good2Talk would like to thank the Responsible Gambling Council for their partnership, sharing their resources about gambling and supporting youth mental health in Ontario.