Mental health support in 100+ languages

It can feel tough to share your thoughts and feelings, especially when experiencing a language barrier. Ontario post-secondary students can access Good2Talk’s free, confidential (private) phone service in 100+ languages with the help of a professionally trained interpreter.

How can post-secondary students access this service?

You can call Good2Talk toll-free by dialing 1-866-925-5454.

You’ll hear a welcome message in English, French and Mandarin, with an option to select additional languages.

You’ll have a chance to choose a language.

You’ll be connected with a Community Navigator who can link you with a professionally trained interpreter in the language of your choice to start an initial assessment and continue as needed.

Who will I be talking to?

Community Navigators, professional counsellors and professionally trained interpreters deliver this service to Ontario post-secondary students over the phone.

Community Navigators must have a degree in a relevant discipline, have a minimum of three years of experience in the health / human services field and be certified as Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) professionals.

Counsellors must have a degree in a relevant discipline, a minimum of three years of applicable work experience and knowledge of telephone counselling and crisis intervention.

All professional team members at Good2Talk must also have Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST).

Interpreters supporting Good2Talk are based in North America and professionally trained to understand and translate what is said accurately. We encourage you to pause regularly for the interpreter to translate your words and to help the team member at Good2Talk understand clearly.

What can I talk about?

You can contact Good2Talk for support with any issue, big or small. You can get in touch about things like anxiety, loneliness, relationships, substance use, discrimination and more.

How does Good2Talk help protect my privacy?

At Good2Talk, respecting your privacy and protecting your safety are important to us. When you contact us, you might share things with a counsellor or crisis responder that are important to you. We want to reassure you that your conversation with us is private. This means that our staff won’t tell your experiences to anyone outside of Good2Talk unless they’re worried about your safety and we know your identifying information. To find out more, check out our privacy policy.

Are these services for me?

If you’re a current post-secondary student residing and studying in Ontario, you’re eligible for this service. Post-secondary institutions include (but aren’t limited to) colleges, universities, trade schools and Indigenous institutions.

What if I’m an international student?

If you’re an international post-secondary student residing and studying in Ontario, you’re eligible for this service. If you need support navigating things like culture shock, discrimination, language barriers, feelings of homesickness and isolation or anything else that might be on your mind, Good2Talk is here for you.

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Feeling stressed? 💭 Try connecting with someone, taking a break or enjoying some time in nature. 💛

What helps you when you’re feeling stressed?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just needing someone to, Good2Talk is available 24/7:

📞 Call: 1-866-925-5454
💬 Text: GOOD2TALKON to 686868
💻 Message online: visit

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How are you feeling today? 💭 Drop a heart emoji in the comments to let us know.

If you need support, Good2Talk is here 24/7. 💛

📞 Call: 1-866-925-5454
💬 Text: GOOD2TALKON to 686868
💻 Message online: visit

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🤔 Did you know that calling Good2Talk was this easy? ...

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