Mental health support in Mandarin可提供普通话的心理健康支持

It can feel tough to share your thoughts and feelings, especially when experiencing a language barrier. Post-secondary students residing and studying in Ontario can access Good2Talk’s free, private phone counselling service in Mandarin.
有时,您会感觉难以去传达自己的想法和感受。在讲普通话译员的帮助下,居住在安大略省的高等教育学生可以使用 Good2Talk 的免费、私密且每周七天、每天 24 小时全天候的电话咨询服务。

How can post-secondary students access this service?

You can call Good2Talk toll-free by dialing 1-866-925-5454.
拨打 Good2Talk 的免费电话 1-866-925-5454

You’ll hear a welcome message in English, French and Mandarin asking you to select your preferred language.

Choose Mandarin as your preferred language.

A professional counsellor will connect you with a Mandarin-speaking interpreter to start the conversation.

Am I eligible for this service?

If you’re a post-secondary student residing and studying in Ontario, you’re eligible for this service. Post-secondary institutions include (but are not limited to) colleges, universities, trade schools and Indigenous institutions. 


Who will I be talking to?

The service is delivered over the phone by professional counsellors and Mandarin-speaking interpreters. The interpreter is selected from Mandarin-speaking interpreters across Canada and the United States. They’re professionally trained to understand and translate what is said accurately.

  • We encourage you to pause regularly for the interpreter to translate your words and to help the counsellor understand clearly. During the conversation, our counsellors listen, ask questions and help you decide on next steps together. They can also refer you to other programs and services in your community and in more languages (where available) across Canada. 

这项服务由专业咨询师和讲普通话译员通过电话提供。译员是从加拿大和美国讲普通话的译员中挑选出来的。他们经过专业培训,可以帮助您将您的想法传达给 Kids Help Phone 咨询师。

  • 谈话时经常停顿很有帮助,从而译员可以将您的话翻译给咨询师,让咨询师能够清楚地理解。在谈话过程中,我们的咨询师会倾听、提问,并帮助您共同决定后续将采取的措施。他们也可以向您推荐您所在社区的其他计划和服务,以及全加拿大以其他语言(如果有)提供的计划和服务。

What can I talk about?

You can contact Good2Talk for support with any issue, big or small. You can get in touch about things like anxiety, loneliness, relationships, substance use, discrimination and more.

无论问题大小,您都可以联系 Good2Talk 以寻求支持。您可以就孤独、焦虑、家人和朋友、虐待、歧视等问题与我们取得联系。 

How does Good2Talk help protect my privacy?
Good2Talk 如何保护我的隐私?

At Good2Talk, respecting your privacy and protecting your safety are important to us. When you contact us, you might share things with a counsellor or crisis responder that are important to you. We want to reassure you that your conversation with us is private. This means that our staff won’t tell your experiences to anyone outside of Good2Talk unless they’re worried about your safety and we know your identifying information. To find out more, check out our privacy policy.

Good2Talk 承诺确保并保护您的隐私。我们只存储有助于我们理解和改进服务的信息。若要了解更多信息,请查看我们的隐私政策

Are these services for me?

If you’re a current post-secondary student residing and studying in Ontario, you’re eligible for this service. Post-secondary institutions include (but aren’t limited to) colleges, universities, trade schools and Indigenous institutions.

What if I’m an international student? 如果我是国际学生怎么办?

If you’re an international post-secondary student residing and studying in Ontario, you’re eligible for this service. If you need support navigating things like culture shock, discrimination, language barriers, feelings of homesickness and isolation or anything else that might be on your mind, Good2Talk is here for you.

如果您是⽬前居住在安⼤略省的⾼等教育学⽣,您就有资格享受这项服务。 如果您需要支持来应对文化冲击、歧视、语言障碍、思乡和孤立感或其他任何您可能想到的事情,Good2Talk 能为您服务。

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Navigating student life can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Good2Talk, we’re here to offer support and guidance for post-secondary students in Ontario. Whether it’s stress, anxiety or just needing someone to talk to, connect with us by phone, text or online messaging 24/7/365.

📞 Call: 1-866-925-5454
📱 Text: GOOD2TALKON to 686868
💻 Message Online: Visit and select "Message Good2Talk Online"

#BacktoSchool #MentalHealth #StudentLife #Wellness

As you begin your new semester, remember that you’re not alone. 📚 ⭐

Whether you’re feeling excited, nervous, or maybe a bit of both, Good2Talk is here to support you every step of the way.

📞 Call: 1-866-925-5454
📱 Text: GOOD2TALKON to 686868
💻 Message Online: Visit and select "Message Good2Talk Online"

#BacktoSchool #MentalHealth #Wellness #StudentLife

Today is International Overdose Awareness Day, a time to honour and remember those who lost their lives to overdose.

If you’re worried about someone in your life who may be struggling with drugs or alcohol, visit to be connected with a System Navigator for information referral support.

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